The best and the most random secret santa pairings. Ever. This website draws its randomness from quantum fluctuations in vaccuum, thanks to the Australian National University's QRNG. Anyway, the point is, this is going to be the most random secret santa draw you can imagine. Seriously


Create a group

Name your group anything you want. Could be your high school friends, buddies from college, coworkers tec

Add your folks!

You're gonna need people's emails to add them to your group. Once you have them, send those invites!

Create pairings!

Once everyone's in the group, just create pairings with just one click!

There's more!

You can send messages to each other anonymously! Your santa can message you without you knowing who they are and vice versa!

Get started!

What are you waiting for? Create an account for free and get the christmas spirit going

get started